
A Winning Team

Selected professionals knowledgeable in all fields of dentistry are at your service. Continuing education, training and research are foremost in their work and in the team they are engaged in.

  • Denis Massé

    Denis Massé

    Speaker - Consultant
  • Pierre Pellan

    Pierre Pellan

    DMD, IBO, Speaker & Mentor – Ortho
  • Jacques Léonard

    Jacques Léonard

    DMD, IAO Senior Instructor, Speaker - Ortho
  • Marie-Claude Chaput

    Marie-Claude Chaput

    DMD, Speaker, Clinical Director & Mentor – Ortho
  • Gisane Roy

    Gisane Roy

    DMD, IBO, Clinician & Mentor – Ortho
  • Dany Robert

    Dany Robert

    DMD, Speaker & Mentor – Ortho
  • Serge-Alexandre Bellavanc

    Serge-Alexandre Bellavanc

    DMD, Speaker - Ortho
  • Martin Lemay

    Martin Lemay

    DMD, Speaker – Ortho
  • Claire Gaulin

    Claire Gaulin

    RDH, NLP Cert. Coach, Speaker/Consultant – Ortho
  • Andrée Lamarche

    Andrée Lamarche

    HD, Speaker - Ortho
  • Marie-Philippe Rodrigue

    Marie-Philippe Rodrigue

    M. Science, Orthophoniste, Speaker - Ortho
  • Dr Vincent Giguère

    Dr Vincent Giguère

    DMD, Felllow et Diplomate ICOI, Mentor Implanto
  • Simon Roy

    Simon Roy

    DMD, Master ICOI, Director - Clin. Surgery
  • Jean Morin

    Jean Morin

    DMD, Diplomate ICOI, Mentor – Implantology
  • Benoit Lapointe

    Benoit Lapointe

    DMD, Diplomate ICOI, Mentor – Implanto
  • Sheila Lemay

    Sheila Lemay

    DMD, Mentor- Implantology
  • Yoann Fournier

    Yoann Fournier

    DMD, Mentor- Implantology
  • David Nadeau

    David Nadeau

    DMD, Metor-Implantology
  • Hélène Massé

    Hélène Massé

    RDH, Speaker / Clinician / Consultant
  • Claudine Doucet

    Claudine Doucet

    B.Ens., Cert., Speaker HR
  • Emanuel Alvaro

    Emanuel Alvaro

    DMD, MSc, Cert. Endo, Director – Endodontics
  • Eric Lacoste

    Eric Lacoste

    DMD, M.SC., F.R.C.D (C). M.B.A. - Director Perio
  • Martine Blais

    Martine Blais

    Periodontics assistant, Speaker - Perio
  • Thomas T. Nguyen

    Thomas T. Nguyen

    DMD, MSc, FRCD(C), Parodontist, Speaker
  • Mélanie Campese

    Mélanie Campese

    DMD, MSD, FRCD(C), Parodontist, Speaker - Paro
  • Roxane Katiya

    Roxane Katiya

    DMD, AEGD, Speaker - Paro & Maxillofacial Surgeon
  • Farid Amer-Ouali

    Farid Amer-Ouali

    DMD, FRCD (C) Maxillofacial Surgeon, Dir. Surgery
  • Taras Konanec

    Taras Konanec

    D.D.S., Speaker Restorative Dentistry
  • Laurie St-Pierre

    Laurie St-Pierre

    DMD, MSc., Speaker Restorative Dentistry
  • Danièle Larose

    Danièle Larose

    DMD, Speaker Restorative Dentistry
  • Joanne Éthier

    Joanne Éthier

    DMD, MBA, CERT. OMFR, MS (DIAG. SC), Speaker