Support and mentoring

Online mentoring service

We offer personalized support via our secure server – wherever and whenever you want it online.

Find out about this service so you can feel continuously supported by an experienced team.

Contact our Continuing Education Advisors :

Ivona Morawska : 514-791-1281 or 

Sabrina Poupart : 438-871-1281 or


Category Number of points required to
submit a new patient case
Expiration days Number of included questions
Orthodontics 2000 points 150 5


Category Options Number of points
Orthodontics - Extension with addition of 90 days
- Extension with addition of 3 questions for clarification
- Combo-Extension of 3 questions for clarification & 90 days
- ALIGNERS-REFINEMENT/Reverification of the setup

Purchasing points

Number of points Price
300 points $59.25
600 points $118.50
1000 points $197.50
2000 points $395.00
5000 points $975.00
10000 points $1,900.00